By FM Bureau
Partner yoga is a harmonious blend of yoga and acrobatics practised together by couples/partners. Its mutually beneficial postures build trust and let them relax and have fun. Partner yoga helps couples strengthen their relationship emotionally, physically and spiritually to ultimately build a deeper connection and improve sexual health, says a sexual wellness expert at Loyola University Health System in the US. Susan Walsh, PsyD, psychologist and certified yoga instructor for Loyola’s Sexual Wellness Clinic, claims: “Partner yoga can help a couple reconnect and feel comfortable with each other.” It should only be practised under a qualified instructor.
A boost for brain activities
Researchers report that a single, 20-minute session of Hatha yoga significantly improved participants’ speed and accuracy on tests of working memory and inhibitory control, two measures of brain function associated with the ability to maintain focus, take in, retain and use new information. Participants performed significantly better immediately after the yoga practice than after moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise for the same amount of time. The study subjects were young female undergraduate students. The findings were published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
Stress buster for cancer-affected
For women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy, yoga offers unique benefits beyond fighting fatigue, according to a research. Researchers found that while simple stretching exercises counteracted fatigue, patients who participated in yoga exercises that incorporated controlled breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques into their treatment plan experienced improved ability to engage in their daily activities, better general health and better regulation of cortisol (stress hormone).
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