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Since eyes are very delicate and are in constant contact with the changing environment, they need protection especially during summer and winter. Take precautions to avoid damage to eyes due to hot and cold weather ... Read more
About 42% of online adults use multiple social networking sites. The majority of the users are under the age of 30 although the number of older users is on the rise. A look at how does this behaviour affect our physical and mental health ... Read more
Scientists have identified more than 800 markers in the blood of cancer patients that could help lead to a single blood test for early detection of many types of cancer in future, according to researchers at the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference in Liverpool. This study, by the UK Early Cancer Detection Consortium, funded by Cancer Research UK said the aim of this research is to develop a screening test from a single blood sample for multiple cancer types. All cancers ... Read more
It is found that condoms are highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies and transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ... Read more
It’s a fact that violence decreases in people when spirituality steps in. But recent researches say violence increases even in spiritually inclined people if they consume alcoholic beverages. ... Read more
Children are the main victims of Type 1 diabetes. Most children need two or more doses of insulin per day and if blood glucose is well controlled in them, they can live a full and productive life ... Read more
Natural remedies and exercise help you get a radiant look, but a balanced diet is playing a greater role in maintaining skin beauty ... Read more
Do you love eating pineapple? If yes, then continue to enjoy this fruit as it is the powerhouse of nutrients and can be a great friend of yours in fighting various ailments ... Read more
However well cared and glowing your face may be, and your hair looking lustrous, if your hands and feet are not looked after, it will detract greatly from your whole appearance. The following are some body lotions which can be made in the house and tried for a better body health. ... Read more
Skipping classes is thrill which every student gleefully engages in during his college life. In most cases there are no reasons for cutting classes. But beyond the thrill there is a reality that it affects the student’s overall performances when it becomes habitual ... Read more
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