Keep blood sugar under control
Dear Doctor,
I'm 50 years old and have diabetes for the last 15 years. I take insulin every day in the morning. But, even after taking medicines and insulin continuously, I feel very tired. How can I get rid of this ? Please give me an appropriate advice.
MaheshSen , Calcutta
Dear Mr. Mahesh Sen,
You have mentioned that you have diabetes of 15 years duration and that you are taking insulin daily in the morning. But you have not mentioned about your blood sugars. High blood sugars can make you tired. Also if the blood sugar goes down at a particular time, you can get tiredness due to hypoglycemia (low sugar). So it is very important to keep the sugar under good control. There could be other causes for tiredness like associated illnesses which can make you tired. You should consult a doctor and keep your sugar under good control.
By Dr V Mohan
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